Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Creating Approval User Groups

Create approval user groups in the Settings section of the slide-out navigation pane.

This task can only be carried out by administrators with the relevant administration permissions.

You must perform this task if you have created a completely new installation of Campaign Manager. If you are upgrading to Campaign Manager 2016 R1 then user groups automatically have the permissions, however you still need to turn approvals on for these to take effect.


  1. From the Settings section of the slide-out navigation pane, select Security.
  2. Select the folder you want to add the group to, or create a new folder if required.
  3. Click on the Security browse tree menu. This menu is context sensitive.
  4. Select New User Group.

The Create User Group dialog box appears indicating where the new Group will be created.

  1. Enter the User Group name and click Create.
  2. Select the Permissions tab and click Edit.
  3. To create an approval group, ensure the following permissions are available by clearing the Inherit check box and selecting the Allowed check box.
  • Access Approvals and Notes: Gives access to the Approvals and Notes screen .
  • Access Campaign Manager: Allows access to Campaign Manager.
  • Access Campaign View: Gives access to the Campaign View screen that shows approvers a list of outstanding campaigns requiring approval. From the Campaign View screen approvers can access the Approvals and Notes screen for a selected campaign or Campaign Manager for the selected campaign.

Users must have access to Campaign View, without it they are not able to access Approvals and Notes.

Access to Approvals and Notes and Campaign Manager require allowed permissions for the group.

  • Approve Campaigns: Allows campaign approval.
  • Depending on your campaign structure, users should have access to the relevant functionality. To select this functionality, select the Allowed check box for the required permission.

The Approvals process does not lock the audience selected by the user setting it up, it simply locks the rules selected before approval is initially sought. It is recommended that the approvers and those setting up the campaigns have identical permissions, except the Campaign approval permission. This allows the approvers to view the campaign in the same way that it was set up by the user.

  1. Click Save.
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